hei Uppsala University

Name: Uppsala University
Local name:
Uppsala Universitet (UU), Uppsala
Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala
Website: www.uu.se
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
Bachelor of Construction Engineering Högskoleingenjör i byggteknik B+3U 180 Bachelor of science Högskoleingenjör FCD Equivalent
Master of Engineering Physics Civilingenjör i teknisk fysik B+4,5U 300 Master of science Civilingenjör SCD Equivalent
Master of Physics of Materials Civilingenjör i teknisk fysik med materialvetenskap B+4,5U 300 Master of science Civilingenjör SCD Equivalent

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

No historical programmes found.