hei Østfold University College, Engineering Programme

Name: Østfold University College, Engineering Programme
Local name:
Høgskolen i Østfold, Ingeniørutdanningen
Østfold University College
1757 Halden
Website: www2.ir.hiof.no/
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag -elektro B+3U+0T bachelor of engineering Bachelor i ingeniørfag
Bachelor in Civil Engineering Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - Bygg B+3U+0T bachelor of engineering Bachelor i ingeniørfag
Bachelor in Chemical Engineering Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - kjemi B+3U+0T bachelor of engineering Bachelor i ingeniørfag
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - maskin B+3U+0T bachelor of engineering Bachelor i ingeniørfag
Bachelor in Industrial Design Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - B+3U+0T bachelor of engineering bachelor i ingeniørfag

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type Period EUR-ACE
Civil and Structural Eng Civil and Structural Eng B+3U Ingeniør FCD Equivalent until 01/01/2006
Electrical Eng Electrical Eng B+3U Ingeniør FCD Equivalent until 01/01/2006
Mechanical Eng Mechanical Eng B+3U Ingeniør FCD Equivalent until 01/01/2006
Chemical Eng Chemical Eng B+3U Ingeniør FCD Equivalent until 01/01/2006