
Welcome to the ENGINEERS EUROPE EEED, European Engineering Education Database. Start searching for Higher Education Institutions and their programmes.

HEI name Territory City
Galway-Mayo Institute of TechnologyGalway-Mayo Institute of Technology Ireland
Gazi University, Faculty of EngineeringGazi Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Turkey AnkaraAnkara
Gaziantep University, Faculty of EngineeringGaziantep Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Turkey GaziantepGaziantep
Gdansk University of TechnologyPolitechnika Gdanska Poland GdanskGdansk
Gdynia Maritime UniversityUniwersytet Morski w Gdyni Poland GdyniaGdynia
Gebze Technical University Faculty of EngineeringGebze Teknik Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Turkey KocaeliKocaeli
Gelsenkirchen University of Applied SciencesFachhochschule Gelsenkirchen Germany GelsenkirchenGelsenkirchen
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liège)Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech de l'Université de Liège Belgium LIÈGE
Gesamthochschule KasselGesamthochschule Kassel Germany KasselKassel
Gießen-Friedberg University of Applied SciencesFachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg Germany GiessenGießen
GjovikUniversity College, Engineering ProgrammeHøgskolen i Gjøvik, Ingeniørutdanningen Norway Gjøvik
Glasgow Caledonian UniversityGlasgow Caledonian University United Kingdom GlasgowGlasgow
Glauchau University of cooperative educationBerufsakademie Sachsen (Glauchau) Germany Glauchau
Graduate School of Engineering in Advanced Systems and NetworksEcole nationale supérieure de génie industriel France GRENOBLEGRENOBLE Cedex 01
Graduate school of engineering in advanced systems and networksEcole nationale supérieure en systèmes avancés et réseaux France VALENCEVALENCE Cedex 9
Graduate school of engineering in applied mathematics and computer sciencesEcole nationale supérieure d'informatique et de mathématiques appliquées de Grenoble France SAINT-MARTIN D'HERESSAINT-MARTIN-D'HERES
Graduate school of engineering in paper, print media and biomaterialsEcole internationale du papier, de la communication imprimée et des biomatériaux France SAINT-MARTIN D'HERESSAINT-MARTIN-D'HERES
Graduate school of engineering in physics, electronics, materials sciencesEcole nationale supérieure de physique, électronique, matériaux France GRENOBLEGRENOBLE
Granada UniversityGranada University Spain Granada
Graz College of TechnologyHTL Graz Austria GrazGraz