Name: Tallinnl University of Tecnology
Local name:
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn
Eng. degrees? Yes
This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.
Programme name | Entity | Duration | ECTS | Degree title | Degree type | EUR-ACE |
Arhitecture Arhitektuur | 10 semesters | 300 | Integrated engineering study Integreeritud õpe | |||
Indoor Climate in Buildings and Water Engineering Hoonete sisekliima ja veetehnika | 10 semesters | 300 | Integrated engineering study Integreeritud õpe | |||
Road Engineering and Geodesy Teedeehitus ja geodeesia | 10 semesters | 300 | Integrated engineering study Integreeritud õpe | |||
Structural Engineering and Construction Management Ehitiste projekteerimine ja ehitusjuhtimine | 10 semesters | 300 | Integrated engineering study Integreeritud õpe | |||
Electrical Power Engineering Elektroenergeetika | B+5U+0T | Master of Science of Electrical Power Engineering Elektroenergeetika Magister | SCD Equivalent | |||
Thermal Power Engineering Soojusenergeetika | B+3U+0T | Bachelor of Thermal Power Engineering Soojusenergeetika bakalaureus | FCD Equivalent | |||
Thermal Power Engineering Soojusenergeetika | B+5U+0T | Master of Science of Thermal Power Engineering Soojusenergeetika Magister | SCD Equivalent | |||
Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics Energeetika ja mehatroonika | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Environmental, Energy and Chemical Technology Keskkonna-, energia-,ja keemiatehnoloogia | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Integrated Engineering Integreeritud tehnoloogiad | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Management Maastikuarhitektuur ja keskkonnajuhtimine | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Materials Technology Materjali tehnoloogia | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Product development and robotics Tootearendus ja robootika | 6 semesters | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Tehnikateaduse bakalaureus | |||
Chemical Technology Keemiatehnoloogia | 8 semesters | 240 | Applied higher education study Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe | |||
Industrial Automation Tootmise automatiseerimine | 8 semesters | 240 | Applied higher education study Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe | |||
Mechanical Enguneering and Energy Technology Processes Control Masinaehitus- ja energiatehnoloogia protsesside juhtimine | 8 semesters | 240 | Applied higher education study Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe | |||
Telematics and Smart Systems Telemaatika ja arukad süsteemid | 7 semesters | 210 | Applied higher education study Rakenduskõrgharidusõpe |
This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.
Programme name | Entity | Duration | ECTS | Degree title | Degree type | Period | EUR-ACE |
Chemistry and Materials Technology Chemistry and Materials Technology | B+4U | Bachelor of Engineering | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Civil and Building Engineering Civil and Building Engineering | B+5U+0T | 255 | Construction Engineering | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering | B+4U | Bachelor of Engineering | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Electrical Power Engineering Elektroenergeetika | B+3U+0T | Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering Elektroenergeetika bakalaureus | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Information Technology Information Technology | B+4U | Bachelor of Engineering | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering | B+4U | Bachelor of Engineering | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 | |||
Power Engineering Power Engineering | B+4U | Bachelor of Engineering | FCD Equivalent | until 31/08/2016 |