Name: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Local name:
Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH
Urstein Süd 1
5412 Puch bei Hallein
Eng. degrees? Yes
This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.
Programme name | Entity | Duration | ECTS | Degree title | Degree type | EUR-ACE |
Smart Building Smart Building - Energieeffiziente Gebäudetechnik & Nachhaltiges Bauen | B+3U | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering | FCD | ||
Information Technology & Systems Management Informationstechnik und Systemmanagement | B+3U | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering | FCD | ||
Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction Holztechnologie & Holzbau | B+3U | 180 | Bachelor of Science in Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering | FCD | ||
Smart Buildings in Smart Cities Smart Buildings in Smart Cities - Energieinfrastruktur und Quartierserneuerung | B+2U | 120 | Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe | SCD | ||
Information Technology and Systems Management Informationstechnik und Systemmanagement | B+2U | 120 | Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe | SCD | ||
Forest Products Technology & Management Holztechnologie & Holzwirtschaft | B+2U | 120 | Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe Diplom-Ingenieur/Diplom-Ingenieurin für technisch-wissenschaftliche Berufe | SCD | ||
Applied Image and Signal Processing Applied Image and Signal Processing | B+2U | 120 | Master of Science in Engineering Master of Science in Engineering | SCD | ||
MultiMediaTechnology MultiMediaTechnology | B+2U | 120 | Master of Science in Engineering Master of Science in Engineering | SCD |
This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.
No historical programmes found.