hei AGH University of Science and Technology

Name: AGH University of Science and Technology
Local name:
AGH Akademia Górniczo Hutnicza
Mickiewicza 30
30-059 Krakow
Website: www.agh.edu.pl
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
Computer Science - Data Science informatyka - data science 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Mechatronics mechatronika 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
computer science informatyka 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
computer science informatyka 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Electrical Engineering elektrotechnika 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Electrical Engineering elektrotechnika 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Microelectronics in Industry and Medicine mikroelektronika w technice i medycynie 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
biomedical enginieering inżynieria biomedyczna 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
biomedical engineering inżynieria biomedyczna 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Automatics Control and Robotics automatyka i robotyka 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Automatics Control and Robotics automatyka i robotyka 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
materials engineering IMiIP inżynieria materiałowa IMiIP 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
materials engineering IMiIP inżynieria materiałowa IMiIP 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Applied Computer Science informatyka techniczna 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Applied Computer Science informatyka techniczna 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Metallurgy metalurgia 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Metallurgy Metalurgia 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Mining engineering and geology górnictwo i geologia 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Expired
mining engineering and geology górnictwo i geologia 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Expired
Automatic Control Engineering and Robotics Automatic Control Engineering and Robotics B+5U Magister Inzynier SCD Equivalent

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type Period EUR-ACE
Materials Engineering Inzynieria Materialowa 210 Bachelor of Science Inzynier FCD 20/06/2013 until 20/09/2018 Expired
Materials Engineering Inzynieria Materialowa 90 Master of Science Magister inzynier SCD 20/06/2013 until 20/09/2018 Expired