hei Clausthal University of Technology

Name: Clausthal University of Technology
Local name:
Technische Universität Clausthal
Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2a
38678 Clausthal
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineering 2U 120 Master of Science SCD
Environmental Process Engineering and Recycling Umweltverfahrenstechnik und Recycling 2U 120 Master of Science Master of Science SCD
Sustainable Raw Material Production and Recycling Nachhaltige Rohstoffgewinnung und Recycling 180 Bachelor of Science FCD Equivalent Yes
Geo-Energy-Systems Geo-Energy-Systems 180 Bachelor of Science FCD Equivalent Yes
Energy and Raw Materials Energie und Rohstoffe 3U 180 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science FCD
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems Nachhaltige Energietechnik und -systeme Bachelor of Science FCD Equivalent Yes
Energy Systems Engineering Energiesystemtechnik Master of Science SCD integrated Yes
Energy and Materials Physics Energy und Materialphysik 120 Master of Science SCD Yes
Energy and Materials Physics Energie und Materialphysik 180 Bachelor of Science FCD Yes
Business and Engineering Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 120 Bachelor of Science Master of Science SCD Yes
Business and Engineering Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 180 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science FCD Yes
Geoenvironmental Engineering Geoenvironmental Engineering B+3U+0T 180 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering B+1U+0T 60 Master of Science Master of Science SCD

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type Period EUR-ACE
Mining Engineering Mining Engineering 120 Master of Science Master of Science SCD 20/09/2014 until 20/09/2020 Yes
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering 60 Master of Science Master of Science SCD 20/12/2011 until 20/09/2017 Expired
Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering Verfahrenstechnik/Chemieingenieurwesen 180 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science FCD 20/06/2009 until 20/09/2021 Yes
Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering Verfahrenstechnik/Chemieingenieurwesen 120 Master of Science Master of Science SCD 20/06/2009 until 20/09/2021 Yes