hei Warsaw University of Technology

Name: Warsaw University of Technology
Local name:
Politechnika Warszawska
Plac Politechniki 1
00-661 Warszawa
Website: www.pw.edu.pl
Eng. degrees? Yes


This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are still actual.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type EUR-ACE
transport transport 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Expired
Transport Transport 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Expired
Environmental Engineering Inżyneria Środowiska 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Expired
Environmental Engineering Inżyneria Środowiska Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Expired
aerospace engineering lotnictwo i kosmonautyka 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Automatics and Robotics Automatyka i Robotyka 90 Master of Science Magister inzynier SCD Expired
aerospace engineering lotnictwo i kosmonautyka 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
mechanics and machine design mechanika i projektowanie maszyn 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
mechanics and machine design mechanika i projektowanie maszyn 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Civil Engineering budownictwo 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
civil engineering budownictwo 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Geodezy and Cartogrphy geodezja i kartografia 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Geodezy and Cartogrphy geodezja i kartografia 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Materials Science and Engineering Inżynieria Materiałowa 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Yes
Materials Science and Enginneering Inżynieria Materiałowa 90 Master of Science magister inżynier SCD Yes
Chemical and Process Engineering Inżynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa 210 Bachelor of Science inzynier FCD Yes
Chemical and Process Engineering Inżynieria Chemiczna i procesowa 90 Master of Science Magister inżynier SCD Yes
Computer Science Informatyka 210 Bachelor of Science inżynier FCD Expired
Computer Science informatyka 90 Master of Science Magister inżynier SCD Expired
Chemical and Process Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering B+5,5U Magister Inzynier SCD Equivalent

This tab will provide a list of programmes of this HEI that are historical.

Programme name Entity Duration ECTS Degree title Degree type Period EUR-ACE
Automatics and Robotics Automatyka i Robotyka 210 Bachelor of Science Inzynier FCD 20/10/2016 until 20/09/2021 Expired
Biotechnology Biotechnologia 210 Bachelor of Science Inzynier FCD 20/10/2016 until 20/09/2021 Yes
Biotechnology Biotechnologia 90 Master of Science Magister inzynier SCD 20/10/2016 until 20/09/2021 Yes
Power Engineering Energetyka 210 Bachelor of Science Inzynier FCD 20/06/2015 until 20/09/2020 Yes
Power Engineering Energetyka 90 Master of Science Magister inzynier SCD 20/06/2015 until 20/09/2020 Yes
Chemical Technology Technologia Chemiczna 210 Bachelor of Science Inzynier FCD 20/03/2017 until 20/09/2022 Yes
Chemical Technology Technologia Chemiczna 90 Master of Science Magister inzynier SCD 20/03/2017 until 20/09/2022 Yes